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A Road Less Traveled - A Wandering Meditation

When is the last time that you hopped into your car and started driving to nowhere? Or, started down a well-trodden path and decided to scurry into the brush to follow a game trail? Or chased the sinking of the beautiful sun to the edge of a high mountain?

Taking the road less traveled gives you a glimpse into another world. The road less traveled is often more ‘hushed,’ mysterious, and exhilarating. There is a rush of senses as you start to tune into the sounds of the wild creatures around you instead of the noise of cars or people passing by; your skin comes alive as the trees brush against you; and your eyes take in the colors of the lush verdant grass and the deer camouflaged and nestled into their natural surroundings.

It’s comfortable and easy to always take the same route to the grocery store, converse with the same people, or stick to the same walk through your neighborhood. Sameness will make you stuck! Sameness is boring. Sameness is not shiny.

If you are feeling like you’ve lost your shine, try wandering into the unknown.


  1. Take a drive. Take a hike. Talk to a stranger. Whatever it is you do today, do it different!

  2. How is your breath? Is it full and deep or is it shallow and limited? BREATHE deep and long and make sure your out-breath is longer than your in-breath.

  3. Do one thing today that is not in your normal routine. It can be as small as driving down a different street or as big as a long hike on foreign soil. NOTICE something new. Pay attention to the details. DISCOVER something that puts a smile on your face or wonder in your heart.

Share with us your experience and as always, WANDER, WILD, and WONDER! You will be stretched and you will shine more brightly when you are curious.