If Only Money Grew On Trees - A Wandering Meditation

Would you consider yourself wealthy? What does wealth mean to you? An elaborate home? A fancy car? A huge IRA? Investments? All of it? Or is it something different?

For me, wealth is something I feel within. It’s the feeling I get when I see gold coins falling from the ever-changing colored trees; the feeling of a smile and a song in my heart. Wealth is living at ease in a very busy and overworked world. Wealth is bending down to lift a precious crystal from the earth, pressing the petal of a fragrant flower between my fingers, or savoring the ruby ripe redness of a pomegranate. Wealth is being able to give to those in need; not necessarily money but time, love, care and attention. Wealth is meaningful relationships and community. Wealth is the feeling of gratitude for the small winged creatures, the two-legged creatures, and the mystery of God in all things.

Have you ever stopped to think about how rich we really are? The palettes of color in every sky, the golden sun orb, the luminescent moon; the wildflowers, meadows, mountains, stars, streams, oceans, and deserts. The blessed rains, the quiet snows, and the seeds that hold the nutrient rich foods that we eat and the medicines to treat. The voices that sing, the artists that create, and the hearts who love.

We all have access to this bounty that nature offers. We all have access to love. Are we living as paupers or princes? We get to choose how much we want to experience and it’s as close as opening your door to the fresh air, or giving thanks for the next bite of food that goes into your mouth, or the little plant resting in your windowsill.

So maybe money doesn’t grow on trees but trees provide something greater than anything money could buy.


  1. Grab your journal and maybe some colored pens/pencils.

  2. Start inside your home and look around you. GIVE THANKS right now. Write down all of the things for which you are grateful.

  3. Next, go outside and look around you. GIVE THANKS right now. Write down all of the things outside for which you are grateful.

  4. This meditation is all about jewels, gems, riches, bounty, wealth, etc. As you consider these things, start by drawing or taking pictures of the wealth and riches that nature has to offer you on this particular day. What makes your heart skip a beat? What makes your eyes widen with delight? What draws your attention? What colors do you see? Has your idea of wealth changed? If so, how?

  5. Take note and remember…You are royalty.

As always, stay wild, curious and full of wonderment.

Lynna Foster, Return To Your Wild

December 4, 2021


Nature Just IS… - A Wandering Meditation


The Seed - A Wandering Meditation